סמינר מחלקתי בגאוגרפיה וסביבת האדם: From Mobility for Commuters to Mobility as a Service (MaaS), the Analysis of the Israeli Smartcard Data
פרופ' יצחק בננסון, החוג לגיאוגרפיה וסביבת האדם, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב
Public transport (PT) networks usually remain stable for years while residential and business patterns of modern cities are constantly changing. Accumulated, these changes can induce large-scale changes in travel demand that cannot be properly served by the existing PT network and this discrepancy between the demand and supply can result in bifurcation of travelers’ mode choice. Travelers who have no access to private cars become captives of PT, while the rest use the car almost exclusively. Modal split can be influenced if we would be able to monitor, explicitly in space and time, travel activities of travelers. One Big Data source of information on activity-travel patterns is Public Transport Smartcard records. Investigating this data can provide unique understanding of the compatibility of the PT network to users' needs.
I present a unique typology for understanding travel behavior patterns of Israeli PT users. The analysis results in several unexpected outcomes. First, a high percent (22%) of travelers use PT service only for one leg of their daily trip schedule. Assuming most travelers return to their origin on the same day, the data shows that around one-quarter of the PT users use multiple travel modes for their daily activities. Second, an analysis of the weekly patterns shows that 42% of travelers travel one or two times a week only. Assuming that the majority of passengers' do work or study more than two days a week, the data shows that about half of travelers switch modes on a daily basis, opting for public transport one day and selecting a different mode the next. The results of the analysis strongly support the recent concept of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) that aims at seamless integration of all types of mobility services for a smooth multimodal journey and demands deep rethinking of the transportation planning models.
מרכזת הסמינר: ד"ר טלי חתוקה