תחומי מחקר - Computer Systems

Computer Systems


Communication Protocols

Design and analysis of protocols and algorithms for efficient use of computer networks, including the Internet, wireless communications. Study and development of communication protocols, such as flow control, end-to-end communication, routing, etc. Developing applications for fast communication networks, Programming interfaces( for Quality of Service ). 


Prof.Yehuda AfekProf.Hanoch LevyProf.Yishay MansourProf.Anat Bremler Barr




Computer and Network Security

Analysis and design of the security, and privacy of advanced computer systems and networks, including the Internet. Analyzing vulnerabilities and suggesting mitigations for  computer systems, architectures, and network protocols, such as the DNS system. Exploring attacks (e.g., DDoS, micro-architectural side-channels, speculative execution) and mitigations. Studying and enhancing the trustworthiness (i.e., integrity, confidentiality, fairness, and interpretability) of machine-learning-driven systems. Developing user-centered security and privacy tools and systems.


Prof.Yehuda AfekDr.Eyal RonenProf.Adam MorrisonDr.Mahmood SharifProf.Anat Bremler Barr






Distributed and Parallel Computing

Theoretical and experimental study of concurrent algorithms for inter process communication and synchronization, their efficiency and resilience; Development of practical fault-tolerant synchronization primitives with application in operating system development, multiprocessor architecture construction, and programming language design. Scalable concurrent data structures: Applications of Algebraic Topology to the modeling of computability and complexity in concurrent environments. 


Prof.Rotem OshmanProf.Adam Morrison Prof.Yehuda AfekProf.Yishay MansourProf.Shiri Chechik







Parallel Computation

Developing models and software tools and algorithms for efficient implementation of data intensive and numeric intensive computational problems on massively parallel multiprocessors. Solving Partial Differential Equations on parallel machines using spectral methods. Instruction-level and multi-processor parallelism. Studying the interplay between parallel computer systems and parallel algorithms. 


Prof.Amir AverbuchProf.Sivan ToledoProf.Amiram Yehudai




Programming Languages and Software Engineering

Design and analysis of parallel and distributed programming languages.



Prof.Yehuda AfekProf.Amiram YehudaiProf.Shahar MaozProf.Noam RinetzkyProf.Adam MorrisonProf..Ori Lahav





Programming Environments

Developing and implementing algorithms to ease program development, including debuggers, static program checkers, program understanding tools, porting tools, and program slicing. 



Prof.Shmuel SagivProf.Nachum DershowitzProf.Amiram YehudaiProf.Shahar MaozProf.Noam RinetzkyProf.Ori LahavProf.Sharon Shoham Buchbinder




Computer architecture and Operating Systems & Compilers


Theoretical and experimental studies of compiler techniques. Compiling high level programming languages. Compiler optimizations for scalar and super scalar machines. Efficient treatment of memory hierarchy. 




Prof.Shmuel SagivProf.Noam RinetzkyProf.Adam Morrison




Flash Memory

Design, implementation, and evaluation of storage systems based on flash memories. Design of algorithms and data structures that exploit flash effectively.


Prof.Sivan Toledo



Software Engineering

Research in Software Engineering focuses on developing means to help engineers write higher quality software. Examples include methodologies, algorithms, and tools for test generation, for modeling and formal specification, for automation, and for managing change throughout the evolution and maintenance of software.


Prof.Amiram YehudaiProf.Shahar Maoz






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