בוגרים לפי שנים



Dr. Roei Herzig

Advisor: Prof. Amir Globerson

Towards Compositionality in Computer Vision


Dr. Jad Silbak

Advisors: Prof. Iftach Haitner and Prof. Ronen Shaltiel

Error-Correcting Codes and Differential Privacy for Computationally Bounded Adversaries


Dr. Itzik Malkiel

Advisor: Prof. Lior Wolf

Loss Selection and Combination


Dr. Oren Ish Shalom

Advisor: Prof. Noam Rinetzky

Scaling Symbolic Execution


Dr. Eliav Buchnik

Advisors: Prof. Shiri Chechik & Prof. Edith Cohen

Acceleration Methods for Graph-Based Machine Learning


Dr. Alon Brutzkus

Advisor: Prof. Amir Globerson

Towards Understanding Optimization and Generalization in Deep Learning


Dr. Dov Danon

Advisor: Prof. Daniel Cohen-Or

Image Processing Through Unsupervised Learning


Dr. Dan Vainstein

Advisor: Prof. Yossi Azar

Optimization in Matching and Clustering


Dr. Noam Touitou

Advisor: Prof. Yossi Azar

Online Problems With Deadlines, Delay or Predictions


Dr. Lee Cohen

Advisor: Prof. Yishay Mansour

Topics in Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and Societal Challenges


Dr. Tomer Ezra

Advisor: Prof. Michal Feldman

Simple Mechanisms for Limited Information Settings


Dr. David Pellow

Advisor: Prof. Ron Shamir

Methods for the Efficient Analysis of Large Sequencing Experiments


Dr. Nave Frost

Advisor: Prof. Daniel Deutch

Toward Explainable Data Science


Dr. Eliad Tsfadia

Advisor: Prof. Iftach Haitner

On Cryptographic Hardness, Differential Privacy and the Interconnection Between them


Dr. Aviv Rosenberg

Advisor: Prof. Yishay Mansour

Regret Minimization in Reinforcement Learning


Dr. Itay Sason

Advisor: Prof. Roded Sharan

Probabilistic Models for the Characterization of Mutational Processes in Cancer




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