Annual Doctoral Conference - Program and Abstracts

עודכן: 17.07.2019


09:00 - Registration and refreshments

09:30 - Greetings​

  • Dame Shirley Porter - Porter Foundation and founder

  • Prof. Shmulik Marco - Head, Porter School of the Environment and Earth Sciences

  • Prof. Colin Price - Chairman of the PhD committee, and Head of the Environmental Studies Department

  • Prof. Tovi Fenster - Head, Department of Geography and Human Environment


10:00-11:45 - Session 1 - Lectures, Chair: Dr. Roy Barkan

10:00 - Arthur Robin: Deashing macroalgae biomass by pulsed electric field treatment

10:15 - Yan Rosen: Short ozonation of lingnocellulosic waste as energetically favorable pretreatment

10:30 - Yizhak Yosef: Trends in Extreme Indices for Israel based on a new daily homogenized database

10:45 - Diana Saadi: Tension Between Jews and Arabs increases risk to health: Variance in Heart rate variability among Jewish and Muslim women in Afula and Nazareth 

11:00 - Judi Lax: Hygro-Electricity A Possible Source for Renewable Energy in High Relative Humidity Zones

11:15 - Yonatan Shaham: Modeling Multiple Ignition Scenarios for Assessment of Firefighting Strategies

11:30 - Meiron Zollmann: Assessment of deep water nutrient supply for an offshore Ulva sp. Cultivation project in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea


11:45-12:00 - Posters Presentation - ”One-minute Elevator Speech”


12:00-14:00 - Display posters in the Porter building lobby and refreshments


14:00-16:00Session 2 - Lectures, Chair: Dr. Alex Golberg

14:00 - Hofit Shchaf: Using smartphones to monitor Fire Weather

14:15 - Leenes Uzan: Retrieval of Planetary boundary layer height and aerosol vertical profiles employing remote sensing techniques with a focus on  ceilometer data       

14:30 - Rachel Zipper Katz: Theoretical Model to Evaluate Environmental Discourse Analysis

14:45 - Hannah Gajst: Localized versus distributed fracturing in the damage rheology model with evolving yield conditions

15:00 - Erez Peri: Zoning wind turbines to maximize societal benefits from wind energy: Economic considerations and environmental regulation

15:15 - Ron Yellin-Bergovoy: Physical mechanism of centrifugal-gravity wave resonant instability in azimuthally symmetric swirling flow

15:30 - Assaf Hochman: The predictability of eastern Mediterranean weather regimes

15:45 - Hadas Zur: Policing Violence in the Digital Age, the case of South Tel-Aviv


16:00Summary and announcement of the best poster winner

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