דוקטורנטים מספרים - Erez Peri

עודכן: 05.09.2019

Using wind turbines in Israel: a cost and benefit analysis

Using wind turbines in Israel: a cost and benefit analysis

Erez Peri

Supervisor: Prof. Alon Tal


My name is Erez Peri, and I am PhD student in the environmental department, under the supervision of Prof. Alon Tal. Approximately 20% of global energy to date comes from renewable sources. For many countries, energy from wind turbines has emerged as one of the most feasible, clean energy options as they move towards low-carbon economies. In Israel, however, energy from wind remains trivial, constituting only 1% of renewable electricity generated, which is less than 5% of total electric generation.


My research provides a cost and benefit analysis model for wind turbines (WT) locations in Israel. Data calculations include the following: 1. Production and external costs such as environmental and social impacts caused by WT (e.g. noise, shadow flickers, visual impact, bird collisions and land use) 2. Benefits from wind energy (e.g. power generation and a reduction of greenhouse gases emissions). By combining GIS (Geographic Information System) and MCDA (Multi Criteria Decision Analysis) approach, this study will determine an NPV (Net Present Value) for each cell examined. The findings will enable us to recommend new tools for decision makers to ensure optimal social welfare from renewable energy.


Hopefully, my research will achieve these expected results:

  • Better tools to assess the zoning wind power for decision makers.

  • Improved economic analysis for entrepreneurs and for meeting national objectives.

  • More accurate polygons for WT in Israel, by minimizing environmental and social risks. 




Figure above: Site selection after exclusion of infeasible locations in the north region of Israel. Blue points represent WT examining cells. Brown Polygons represent settlements with 500m buffer zone.



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