דוקטורנטים מספרים - 2022

עודכן: 16.08.2022

דוקטורנטים מספרים - 2022


2022 Doctorate students showcasing their research and sharing some personal reflections:


Circular economy potential of textile waste in Israel

By Karin Bakshi

Supervisor: Dr. Vered Blass


Feasibility study of food waste utilization for Bio-fuels production using hydrothermal liquefaction process

By Maya Mosseri Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Prof. Alexander Golberg


Merged Atlantic and African jets: From instanton theory to predictability of temperature and precipitation extremes

By Sohan Suresan

Supervisor: Prof. Nili Harnik


Single-cell Haloferax mediterranei as an alternative source of animal-free proteins (SCP)

By Razan Unis

Supervisor: Prof. Alexander Golberg



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