ברכות לפרופ' מולי שגיב מבית הספר למדעי המחשב על זכייתו ב-Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award

Prof. Mooly Sagiv was granted the Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award 2016

פרופ' מולי שגיב זכה ב-Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award

"In the 25 years since its founding in 1991, Microsoft Research has grown to be a worldwide symbol of excellence in computer science. Our over 1,000 scientists, engineers, and designers produce technologies that change the lives of people every day through their innovative software, systems, and designs. We are proud of our accomplishments, but in reality they are all founded on a model of open collaboration with academia. The Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award 2016 highlight and celebrate some of the amazing academics who have worked with us over the years."


Mooly Sagiv

Tel Aviv University


Mooly Sagiv, well known for his work on interprocedural program analysis, focuses on program analysis and its applications to the task of simplifying the development of reliable and efficient programs, including program verification and program synthesis. His name is synonymous with the discipline of shape analysis, thanks to his development of TVLA (the three-valued logic based analysis approach to shape analysis). This approach addresses the challenges that arise in analyzing and verifying infinite state systems consisting of an unbounded, dynamically changing universe of entities. Over the past decade, Mooly has collaborated with a number of Microsoft researchers on topics such as concurrent shape analysis, verification of concurrent programs, concurrency control synthesis, and testing, collaborations that have led to no fewer than twenty-six publications in top-tier conferences, including five PLDI papers, four ESOP papers, four CAV papers, and one POPL paper.


For full stories read the Outstanding Collaborator Award Booklet

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