בתר דוקטורים
Christian Appelt PhD from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Research field: High energy physics (ATLAS experiment at CERN) Hosted by: Prof. Abner Soffer |
Nadezhda Belozerova PhD from International Intergovernmental Organization Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Research field: Condensed Matter Physics Hosted by: Prof. Alexander Palevski |
Salvatore Bottaro PhD from Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Research field: Dark Matter Phenomenology and Cosmology Hosted by: Prof. Tomer Volansky and Prof. Michael Geller |
Noam Chai PhD from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research field: High Energy Physics - Theory Hosted by: Prof. Yaron Oz |
Unmesh Ghorai PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai Research field: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Hosted by: Prof. Rafi Bistritzer and Dr. Tobias Holder |
Ralte Lalnuntluanga PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Research field: Systematic Uncertainties in the Neutrino Interactions Hosted by: Dr. Adi Ashkenazi |
Manu Mannattil, India PhD from Syracuse University, USA Research field: Theoretical soft-matter and statistical physics Hosted by academic staff member: Prof. Haim Diamant and Prof. David Andelman |
Anubhav Mathur PhD from Johns Hopkins University Research field: Beyond the Standard Model Physics Hosted by academic staff member: Prof. Tomer Volansky |
Roy Nirmal, India Phd from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India Research Field: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Hosted by: Dr. Moshe Ben Shalom |
Clément Pellouin Phd from Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris – Sorbonne Université Research Field: Binary Neutron Star Mergers, Gamma-ray burst afterglows Hosted by: Prof. Ehud Nakar |
Simone Rijavec Phd from University of Oxford Research Field: Searching for useful quantum protocols in the framework of the many-worlds interpretation Hosted by: Prof. Lev Vaidman |
Adrian Salvador Salas PhD from UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Barcelona Research Field: High Energy Experimental Particle Physics Hosted by: Dr. Liron Barak |
Sarath Sankar PhD from TIFR, Mumbai, India Research field: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Hosted by: Prof. Eran Sela |
Marzena Sniegowska PhD from Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences Research field: Active galactic nuclei, accretion processes and accretion disks Hosted by: Dr. Benny Trakhtenbrot |
Subhadip Jana, India PhD from Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India Research field: One dimensional nanowire Hosted by: Prof. Yoram Dagan |
Eleonora Vanzan PhD from University Of Padova Research field: Cosmology (large-scale structure, galaxy clustering, dark matter candidates, 21-cm). Hosted by: Dr. Michael Geller |
Julia Tena Vidal Phd from: University of Liverpool Research Field: Leveraging electron scattering for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments Hosted by: Dr. Adi Ashkenazi |
Maayan Vizner Stern Phd from: Tel Aviv university Research Field: 2D ice Hosted by: Prof. Yoav Lahini and Prof. Moshe Ben Shalom |
Youngki Yeo PhD from KAIST (Korea Advanced Instituted of Science and Technology Research field: Material Science Hosted by: Prof. Moshe Ben Shalom |
Yanyan Zhu PhD from Beihang University Research field: Condensed matter physics Hosted by: Prof. David Andelman |