פרופ' נחום קריסטיאנפולר - פרסומים ומאמרים

עודכן: 11.06.2018




  1. Halperin, N. Kristianpoller, Thermoluminescence Spectra of KCl Crystals,  J. Opt. Soc. of America 48, 906-1000 (1958).

  2. Halperin, A. Ben Zvi and N. Kristianpoller,  Thermoluminescence of X-ray Colored NaCl Crystals, Phys. Rev. 116, 1081-1089 (1959).

  3. Halperin, A. A. Braner, A. Ben Zvi and N. Kristianpoller, Thermal Activation Energies in NaCl and KCl Crystals, Phys. Rev. 117, 416-422 (1960).

  4. Halperin, A. A. Braner, M. Schlesinger and N. Kristianpoller, Coloration and Thermal Bleaching of Color Centers, Proc. Int. Conf. on Semi-Conductors, Prague (1960), pp. 724-729.

  5. Halperin, A. A. Braner and N. Kristianpoller, Thermoluminescence of X-ray Colored Alkali-Halide Crystals, Proc. Int. Conf. on Color Centers and Luminescence, pp. 35-45, Torino, 1960.

  6. N. Kristianpoller and D. Dutton, Optical Properties of Liumogen; Applied Optics 3, 287-290 (1964).

  7. N. Kristianpoller and R. A. Knapp, Some Optical Properties of Sodium Salicylate, Applied Optics 3, 915-918 (1964).

  8. N. Kristianpoller, The Absolute Quantum Yield of Sodium Salicylate, J. Opt. Soc. of America 54, 1285-1286 (1964).

  9. N. Kristianpoller, A. Halperin and M. Nakar, Environmental Effects on Thermoluminescence of KCl Powders, Proc. Int. Conf. on Luminescence, pp. 722-726, Budapest, 1966.

  10. M. Israeli and N. Kristianpoller, Superlinear Dose Dependence of Thermoluminescence in KBr, Solid State Comm. 7, 1131-1133 (1969).

  11. N. Kristianpoller, I. Katz, Optical Properties of Various Typed of Fused Silica, J. Opt. Soc. of America, 60, 424-425 (1970).

  12. N. Kristianpoller, M. Israeli, Excitonic Processes and Thermoluminescence, Phys. Rev. 2B, 2175-2182 (1970).

  13. R. Chen, M. Israeli and N. Kristianpoller, Dependence of Excitation of Glow Curves on the Absorption Coefficient, Phys. Chem. Letters, 7, 171-172 (1971).

  14. M. Israeli, N. Kristianpoller, Excitation of Thermoluminescence in KBr by Vacuum UV Radiation, Phys. Stat. Solidi 45(b), K29-K33 (1971).

  15. N. Kristianpoller, Y. Kirsh, Effects of X-Irradiation of the Ionic Conductivity of Doped SrF2 Crystals, Phys. Rev. 4B, 635-638 (1971).

  16. N. Kristianpoller, I. Katz, Conversion and Recombination Processes in X-Colored KCl:Sr Crystals, J. Crystal Lattice Defects 2, 93-99 (1971).

  17. N. Kristianpoller, M. Israeli, Thermoluminescence of Alkali Halide Crystals Excited by VUV Radiation, Proc. Int. Conf. on Vacuum UV Radiation Physics, 30A, 1-5 (1971).

  18. Y. Kirsh, N. Kristianpoller, Thermally Stimulated Conductivity Induced in SrF‚:Tb by UV Light,  Solid State Comm. 9, 1291-1293 (1971).

  19. N. Kristianpoller, M. Israeli, On Glow Curves of Alkali Halides Obtained by Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation, Phys. Stat. Solidi 47(b), 487-493 (1971).

  20. M. Israeli, N. Kristianpoller, Excitation Spectra of Thermoluminescence in KCl and NaCl, Solid State Comm. 9, 1749-1753 (1971).

  21. N. Kristianpoller, Z. Davidson, On the UV Excitation of Thermally Stimulated Conductivity in KI and KBr Crystals, J. of Phys. C. - Solid State Physics, 5, 279-286 (1972).

  22. I. Katz, B. Chenfoux, N. Kristianpoller, Thermal Annealing of X-Ray Induced Defects in Sr-Doped KCl Crystals, Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 12, 307-315 (1972)

  23. N. Kristianpoller, I. Katz, On the Kinematics of Z. Generation in X-Rayed NaCl:Sr, Solid State Comm. 11, 1057-1061 (1972).

  24. M. Israeli, N. Kristianpoller, R. Chen, Effects of Competition in the Stabilization of Point Defects, Phys. Rev. B6, 4861-4864 (1973).

  25. S. A. Wiener, N. Kristianpoller, R. Chen, Effects of Thermoluminescence Excitation in Semiconducting Diamonds in: Luminescence of Crystals Molecules and Solutions 473-477 (1973).

  26. S. A. A. Winer, N. Kristianpoller and R. Chen, Effects of Thermoluminescence Excitation in Semiconducting Diamonds, in: IZV. Akad Nauk SSSR Ser Fiz 37, 722-724 (1973) (as 25).

  27. N. Kristianpoller, Y. Kirsh, ITC in Non-Irradiated and in UV Irradiated SrF2‚ Crystals, Phys. Stat. Solid (a) 21, 87-94 (1974).

  28. N. Kristianpoller, R. Chen and M. Israeli, Dose Dependence of Thermoluminescence Peaks, Jour. of Phys. D, 7, 1063-1072 (1974).

  29. R. Chen, S. A. A. Winer, N. Kristianpoller, Excitation and Pre-excitation of Glow Curves in Natural Semi-Conducting Diamonds, Jour. Chem. Phys. 60, 4804-4808 (1974).

  30. I. Katz, R. Englman and N. Kristianpoller, Absorption of X-colored RbCl:Sr in the F-Region, Phil. Mag. 29, 373-382 (1974).

  31. N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi and M. Israeli, Effects of Ultraviolet Irradiation on KBr:Gd, Phys. Stat. Solid (b) 74, 245-248 (1976).

  32. Y. Kirsh, . N. Kristianpoller, Defects Induced in Alkaline Earth Fluorides by Far UV Irradiation, Jour. de Physique C7, 216-219 (1976).

  33. N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi, Effects of Ultraviolet and Visible Light on Synthetic Sapphire,  Jour. de Physique C7, 212-215 (1976).

  34. Y. Kirsh, N. Kristianpoller, U.V. Induced Processes in Pure and Doped SrF2 Jour. of Lum. 15, 35-46 (1977)

  35. N. Kristianpoller, Z. Davidson, Y. Kirsh and A. Rehavi, Studies of Defects Induced by V.U.V. Radiation in Ionic Crystals, V. Int. Conf. on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics, Vol. II, p. 107-109, Montpelier, 1977.

  36. Y. Kirsh, N. Kristianpoller and R. Chen, Vacuum Ultraviolet Induced Thermoluminescence in UV-Irradiated, and Non-Irradiated MgO Powder, Phil. Mag. 35, 656-661 (1977).

  37. N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi, Luminescence Centers in Al2O3, Jour. of Lum. 18-19, 239-243 (1979).

  38. N. Kristianpoller, Y. Kirsh, Thermally Stimulated Polarization Currents in Barium Fluorite, J. of Phys. C. - Solid State Physics 12, 1073-1079 (1979).

  39. N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, Defects Induced in NaMgF3 Crystals by X- and VUV Irradiation, Jour. de Phys. 41, 104-111 (1980).

  40. Z. Davidson, N. Kirstianpoller, Excitation of Thermoluminescence in KBr near L HeT, Solid State Comm. 33, 79-81 (1980).

  41. A. Rehavi, N. Kristianpoller, Defects in X-Irradiated Al2O3, Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 57, 221-227 (1980).

  42. B. Trieman, N. Kristianpoller, Defects Induced in RbMgF3 Crystals by X- and VUV Irradiation, Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 105, 739-746 (1981).

  43. R. Chen, N. Kristianpoller, Z. Davidson and R. Visocekas, Mixed First and Second Order Kinetics in Thermally Stimulated Processes, Jour. of Lum. 3, 293-303 (1981).

  44. N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, X-Ray Induced Luminescence of Rare Earth Doped Perovskite Crystals, Jour. of Lum. 24-25, 285-288 (1981).

  45. N. Kristianpoller, M. J. Aitken, Low Temperature Phototransfer Studies, PACT Jour. 6, 473-484 (1982).

  46. N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi, Defects Induced in Single Thoria Crystals by X and Far UV Irradiation, Radiation Effects, 72, 209-218 (1983).

  47. N. Kristianpoller, B. Trieman, Irradiation Effects in Perovskite Type Fluorides, Radiation Effects, 72, 201-208 (1983).

  48. N. Kristianpoller, Effects of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Quartz, PACT Jour. 9, 153-162 (1983).

  49. N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi, B. Trieman, Excitation of Thermally Stimulated Luminescence and Conductivity in Wide Band Gap Crystals by VUV Radiation, Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics VII 395-397 (1983).

  50. N. Kristianpoller, UV Excitation Spectra of Thermoluminescence in Quartz, Solid State Comm. 48, 621-623 (1983).

  51. N. Kristianpoller, Defects Induced in Natural Quartz by Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 229 (B1 ,48-203 (1984).

  52. N. Kristianpoller, A. Rehavi, Luminescence and Defects in Ca²› Doped Thoria Crystals, Jour. of Lum. 31-32, 176-178 (1984).

  53. N. Kristianpoller, Luminescence Centers in Quartz, Jour. Lum. 31-32, 294-301 (1984).

  54. R. Mehr, Tal Grossman, Y. Gefen and N. Kristianpoller, A. Simple Percolation Experiment in Two Dimensions, Am. Jour. of Phys. 54, 271-273 (1986).

  55. B. R. Sever, N. Kristianpoller and F. C. Brown, F-Center Formation in Alkali Halide Crystals by Monochromatic X-Ray and Ultraviolet Radiation, Phys. Rev. B34, 1257-1263 (1986).

  56. R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Investigations of Phosphorescence Decay using TL-Like Presentation, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 17, 443-446 (1986).

  57. F. C. Brown, B. R. Sever, N. Kristianpoller and J. P. Stott, Defect Formation in Insulators by Synchrotron Radiation, Physica Scripta 35, 582-586 (1987).

  58. N. Kristianpoller, B. R. Sever, N. Zema, F. Campolungo and F.C. Brown, UV-Radiation Induced Defect Processes in KBr:OH Crystals, Cryst. Latt. Defects and Amorph. Materials 17, 139-144 (1987).

  59. N. Kristianpoller, Defects Induced in Synthetic Quartz by VUV-Radiation, Physica Scripta 36, 176-183 (1987).

  60. N. Kristianpoller, Y.Kirsh, S. Shoval, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Thermoluminescence Properties of Mica, Nucl. Tracks & Rad. Meas. 14, 101-104 (1988).

  61. J. S. Ishay, T. Benshalom-Shimoni, N. Kristianpoller and D. Weiss, Luminescence of the Oriential Hornet J. of Lum. 40/41, 221-222 (1988).

  62. N. Kristianpoller and Z. Davidson, Thermally Stimulated Luminescence, Induced in Alkali Halides by VUV Radiation at LHeT, J. of Lum. 40/41, 137-138 (1988).

  63. J. S. Ishay, T.Benshalom-Shimoni, D. Weiss and N. Kristianpoller, Luminescence Properties of the Oriental Hornet "Vespa Orientalis cuticle. Physiological Chem. & Phys. & Medical N.M.R. 19, 283-294 (1988).

  64. N. Kristianpoller, B. Triemann, R. Chen and Y. Kirsh, The Application of Thermally Stimulated Processes to the Study of Defects in Perovskite Type Fluorides, Phys. Stat. Solid (b) 149, 45-54 (1988).

  65. N. Kristianpoller and Z. Davidson, The Application of TL and TSC to the Study of Defect Formation in Alkali Halides by Ultraviolet Radiation. In: Luminescence Science and Technology. Ed. C. W. Struck The Electrochemical Soc. pp. 288-294 (1989).

  66. Y. Kirsh, S. Shoval , S. Yariv and N. Kristianpoller, Natural and Beta-Induced Thermoluminescence in Microcline, Phys. State Solidi (a) 113, 631-636 (1989).

  67. A. D. Franklin, W. F. Hornyak, V. Pagonis and N. Kristianpoller, Thermoluminescence Study of Annealing of Geological Calcite. Nucl. Tracks Radiat. Meas. 7, 517-523 (1990).

  68. N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya, and R. Chen, The Variation of TL Properties of Synthetic Quartz by Thermal Annealing, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 33, 193-195 (1990).

  69. N. Kristianpoller, R. Schriever and N. Schwentner, Luminescence and Generation of F-Centers by Synchrotron Radiation in NaF Crystals. J. Phys. Condensed Matter 2, 6939-6944 (1990).

  70. Y. Kirsh, N. Kristianpoller and S. Shoval, Kinetic Analysis of Natural and Beta-Induced TL in Albite. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 33, 63-66 (1990).

  71. K. Chakrabarti, V. K. Mathew, R. J. Abbundi, N. Kristianpoller and W. F. Hornyak, Study of Low-Temperature Luminescence and Thermoluminescence in CaF Crystals, J. Lumin. 48/49, 828-832 (1991).

  72. R. Chen, M. Abu-Rayya and N. Kristianpoller, Sensitization of Thermoluminescence in Synthetic Quartz-Heat Treatment and Radiation Effects. J. Lumin. 48/49, 833-837 (1991).

  73. J. S. Ishay, T. Benshalom-Shimony, A. Ben-Sahlom and N. Kristianpoller, Photovoltaic Effects in the Oriental Hornet, Vespa Orientalis, J. Insect. Physiol. 38, 37-48 (1992).

  74. N. Kristianpoller, G. S. Blieden and J. D. Comins, Optical Studies of Point Defects Induced in NaF Crystals by Ion Implantation and X-Rays, Nucl. Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B65, 484-487­ (1992).

  75. A. Shmilevich, L. Nagli, A. Katzir, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Iodide Centers in AgBr Crystals, in "Defects in Insulating Materials" vol.1, p.514-516 World Scientific Publ. Co. 1993.

  76. M. Abu-Rayya, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Effects of Irradiation and of Thermal Treatment on the Luminescence Porperties of Synthetic Quartz in "Defects in Insulating Materials" vol. 2, p.880-882 World Scientific Publ. Co.1993.

  77. L. Oster, A. Katzir, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Effects of Irradiation and of Thermal Treatment on Optical Properties of Mixed AgCl-AgBr Crystals, in "Defects in Insulating Materials", vol. 2, p.883-885.World Scientific Publ. Co. 1993

  78. N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya and R. Chen, Phototransfer Studies in Synthetic Quartz. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 47, 37-40 (1993).

  79. L. Nagli, D. Bunimovich, A. Shmilevich, N. Kristianpoller and A. Katzir, Optical Properties of Mixed Silver Halide Crystals and Fibers, J. of Appl. Phys. 74, 5737-5741 (1993).

  80. L. Oster, N. Kristianpoller, R. Chen and A. Katzir, Photoluminescence of Mixed AgCl-AgBr Crystals, J. of Phys. D. 26, 1759-1763 (1993).

  81. R. Chen, G. Fogel and N. Kristianpoller, Theoretical Account of the Sensitization and De-Sensitization in Quartz, J. of Radiation Meas 23, 277-279 (1994).

  82. L. Oster, D. Weiss and N. Kristianpoller, A Study of Photostimulated Thermoluminescence in C-doped Al2O3 Crystals, J. of Phys. D. 27, 1732-1736 (1994).

  83. N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya and R. Chen, Optically Stimulated Luminescence in Synthetic Quartz, J. of Lum. 60, 540-543 (1994).

  84. N. Kristianpoller and L. Oster, Optically Stimulated Luminescence in Anion Defective Al2O3 Crystals., Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 134, 311-314 (1995).

  85. L. Nagli, A. Shmilevich, A. Katzir and N. Kristianpoller, Defects and Luminescence in I-doped AgBr Crystals, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 135 301-303 (1995).

  86. N. Kristianpoller, O. Goldstein, L. Litinetsky and J. S. Ishay, Light Curtails Sleep in Anesthetized Hornets: Extraretinal Light Perception, Physiological Chem. Phys. and Med. NMR. 7, 193-201 (1995).87. A. Shmilevich, M. 87

  87. Abu-Rayya, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Studies of Excitation, Optical Bleaching and Thermal annealing of OSL in Natural Quartz J. of Phys. D 29, 1047-1050 (1996).

  88. M. Abu-Rayya, A. Shmilevich, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Spectral Dependance of Optical Bleaching of PTTL in Quartz. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 65, 69-72 (1996).

  89. A. Shmilevich, R. Chen, D. Weiss and N. Kristianpoller, Point Defects in C-Doped a-Al2O3 Crystals, Materials Science Forum 239. 65-68 (1997(

  90. N. Kristianpoller, M. Abu-Rayya, A. Shmilevich and R. Chen, Effects of Predose Treatment on the Thermoluminescence of Synthetic Quartz , Jour.of Lum.72, 687-688 (1997(

  91. L. Nagli, Sh. Shalem, A. Shmilevich, A. Katzir and N. Kristianpoller, Effects of Thermal and Mechanical Treatment on the Luminescence of AgBr Crystals; Materials Science Forum 239,163-166 (1997(

  92. N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and J. S. Ishay, Irradiation Effects in the Oriental Hornet, Jour.of Lum.72, 591-592 (1997)

  93. N. Kristianpoller, Shmilevich, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Sensitization and Desensitization of the Luminescence yield of Al2O3, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 146, 237-241 (1998).

  94. N.Kristianpoller, A.Rehavi, A. Shmilevich, and R. Chen, Radiation Effects in Pure and doped Al2O3 Crystals, Nuclear Instruments.and Methods in Phys.Research B.141,343-346 (1998(

  95. A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss , R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Phototransferred Thermoluminescence of CaWO4 Crystals, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 84. 131-133 (1999(

  96. N.Kristianpoller, A.Shmilevich, D.Weiss, R.Chen , M.Z.Su, and W. Chen, Luminescence of BaFCl:Eu2+ and SrFCl:Eu2

  97.  Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 150, 65-70 (1999(

  98. N.Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Irradiation Effects in LiF:Eu+3 , Nuclear Instruments.and Methods in Phys. Research B166, 556-560 (2000(

  99. N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and N. Khaidukov, Study of Optical and Dosimetric Properties of Doped Fluoride Crystals, Optical Materials 16, 105-110 (2001(

  100. N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and N. Khaidukov, Luminescence of LiKYF5 : Pr+3 Crystals, Radiation Measurements 33,637-640 (2001(

  101. N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Irradiation Effects in Semiconducting Diamonds, Physica B 308, 612 - 615 (2001(

  102. N.Kristianpoller , D. Weiss, R.Chen, N. Nariyama and N. Khaidukov, Luminescence of CsGd2F7 Crystals, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 100, 207-209 (2002(

  103. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Irradiation Effects in KMgF3 Crystals, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 157, 583-588 (2002(

  104. Luba Litinetsk, Vitaly Pertsis, Lev Nagli, N. Kristianpoller and Jacob S. Jshay, Hornet Cuticle: Effects of Short-Term UV Irradiation: Physiological. Chem. & Phys. and Medical. NMR, 34, 159-169 (2002(

  105. N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss, and R. Chen, Optical and Dosimetric Properties of Variously doped SrF2 Crystals, Radiation Measurements 38, 719-722 (2004(

  106. N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Defects induced in fluorides and Oxides by VUV radiation, phys. stat. sol (c) 2, 409-412 (2005(

  107. Wei Chen, N. Kristianpoller, A. Shmilevich, D. Weiss, R. Chen and Mianzeng Su, X-ray Storage Luminescence of BaFCl:Eu2+ Single Crystals : J. Phys. Chem. B. 109, 11505-11511 (2005(

  108. N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss and R. Chen, Optical and Dosimetric Properties of Zircon , Radiation Protection Dosimetry 119, 267-270 (2006)

  109. N. Kristianpoller, D. Weiss, and R. Chen Effects of Photostimulation  in natural Zircon, Radiation Measurements 41, 961-966 (2006(

  110. N. Kristianpoller, W. Chen, D. Weiss, D. Kuzmin and R. Chen, Irradiation effects in BaF2:CuCl2, and BaF2: Mn,Ce crystals : phys. stat. sol (c) 4, 1110- 1113 (2007(

  111. N.Kristianpoller, D. Weiss, N. Khaidukov, V. Makhov . ,and R. Chen, Thermoluminescence of some Pr3+ doped Fluoride crystals, Radiation Measurements, 41, 245-248 (2008(

  112. N. Kristianpoller, Wei Chen , Reuven Chen and Yichun Liu, Irradiation effects in CaF2: ZnO nanostructed crystals IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 15, 012049 (2010(

  113. N. Kristianpoller ,W. Chen, N. Khaidukov , R. Chen, Optical properties of some fluoride compounds and their application to dosimetry, Radiation Measurements 45 ,566–568 (2010).



  1. A. Halperin, N. Kristianpoller, Adaption of the Beckmann DU Spectrophotometer for Recording Weak Luminescence Spectra, Bull. Res. Council of Israel 7F, 95 (1958).

  2. A. Halperin, A. A. Braner, N. Kristianpoller and A. Ben-Zvi, Thermal Activation Energies in Alkali-Halides, International Symposium of Color Centers in Alkali Halides, p.34, Corvallis, Oregon (1959).

  3. N. Kristianpoller, On the Teaching of Science in Secondary Schools Bull. Fed. Internationale des Professeurs de L'Ensiegnement Secondaire Official, Paris, 37, 84-85 (1959).

  4. A. A. Braner, A. Halperin and N. Kristianpoller, On the Kinetics of Thermoluminescence in Alkali-Halides, Bull. Research Council of Israel 8F, 4 (1960).

  5. A. Halperin and N. Kristianpoller, On the Thermoluminescence of UV Colored KI Crystals, Bull. Res. Council of Israel lOF, 1 (1961).

  6. N. Kristianpoller, D. Dutton, "Liumogen", a Phosphor for Wavelength Conversion, Paper presented at the meeting of the Optical Society of America (1963).

  7. N. Kristianapoller, Fluorescent Radiation Detectors for Far Ultraviolet, Paper presented at the meeting of the Physical Society of Israel (1965).

  8. M. Israeli, N. Kristianpoller, Thermoluminescence of KBr Crystals Excited by Non-Vacuum UV Light, Abstracts of papers presented to the Annual Meeting of the Physical, Society of Israel, p. 16 (1967).

  9. N. Kristianpoller, M. Israeli, UV Excited Thermoluminescence of KBr, Int. Coll. of Optical and Spectroscopic Phenomena in Ionic Crystals (1968).

  10. I. Katz, N. Kristianpoller, Luminescence in Spectrosil Synthetic-Fused Silica; Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 37 (1969).

  11. S. Davidson, N. Kristianpoller, Thermally Stimulated Conductivity in KI Crystals, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 20 (1970).

  12. N. Kristianpoller, Annealing of Low Temperature Induced Defects in KBr, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 25 (1971).

  13. I. Katz, N. Kristianpoller, The Resolution of the Z2 Band in X-Colored KCl:Sr, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 24 (1971).

  14. M. Gershenson, N. Kristianpoller, Dose Dependence of Thermoluminescence in Pure and Doped SrF Crystals, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 39 (1971).

  15. N. Kristianpoller, I. Katz, Electronic and Ionic Processes in the F to Z Conversion, Conf. Digest. Int. Conf. on Color Centers, 75 (1971).

  16. M. Israeli, N. Kristianpoller, On Defects and Thermoluminescence Induced in Pure Alkali Halides by Non-Ionizing Radiation; Conf. Digest. Int. Conf. on Color Centers, H 165 (1971).

  17. N. Kristianpoller, M. Gershenson and Y. Kirsh, Effects of Irradiation of SrF‚ Crystals, Conf. Digest. Int. Conf. on Color Centers, 200 (1971).

  18. B. Chenfoux, I. Katz and N. Kristianpoller, Radiative Decay of Z2 Centers, Conf. Digest. Int. Conf. on Luminescence, Leningrad, p. 55 (1972).

  19. M. Israeli, N. Kristianpoller, Excitation Processes of Thermoluminescence, Conf. Digest. Int. Conf. on Luminescence, Leningrad, p. 32 (1972).

  20. N. Kristianpoller, I. Katz, On the Splitting of P-States in the Z2 Center on RbCl:Sr, Resumes, Europhysics Conf. on Lattice Defects in Ionic Crystals, p. 144, Marseilles (1973).

  21. N. Kristianpoller, Y. Kirsh, Ionic Thermocurrents in SrF‚:Tb Crystals, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 75 (1973).

  22. N. Kristianpoller, S. A. A. Winer and R. Chen, Comparison between the Red and Blue Emission from Semiconduction, Diamonds ; Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., p. 22 (1973).

  23. N. Kristianpoller and I. Katz, Study of Z2 Centers in X-Colored KBr:Sr, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 19, 343 (1974).

  24. S. A. A. Winer, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Red Glow Curves in Semiconducting Diamonds, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., 35 (1974).

  25. Y. Kirsh and N. Kristianpoller, Excitation Spectra of Thermoluminescence in SrF‚ Crystals, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., 34 (1974).

  26. A. Rehavi, I. Katz, N. Kristianpoller, Generation and Decay of Color Centers in Gd Doped KBr, Proc. Int. Conf. on Color Centers in Ionic Crystals, 1974, p. 64-65.

  27. N. Kristianpoller and Y. Kirsh, Effects of Vacuum-Ultraviolet Radiation on Pure and Doped SrF Crystals, Proc. Int. Conf. on Color Centers in Ionic Crystals, 1974, p. 58-59.

  28. N. Kristianpoller, J. M. Crawford, Jr. and Thomas J. Turner, Ultraviolet Studies on Defects in MgO, Proc. Int. Conf. on Color Centers in Ionic Crystals, 1974, p. 52-54.

  29. S. A. A. Winer, R. Chen and N. Kristianpoller, Bleaching Effects of the Main TL Peaks in Semiconducting Diamonds, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., 2l, 93 (l975).

  30. B. Trieman, Y. Kirsh and N. Kristianpoller, Formation of Hole Centers in BaF2‚ by Non-Ionizing Radiation and

  31.  Annihilation of these Centers, Proc. Int. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals; l977, p. 25l-252.

  32. A. Rehavi, N. Kristianpoller, Radiation Effects in Al2O3, Proc. Int. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals; l977, p. 354-355

  33. Z. Davidson, R. Chen and N. R. Kristianpoller, Kinetics of Thermally Stimulated Processes due to Ionic Migration, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc. 24, 25 (1978).

  34. B. Trieman and N. Kristianpoller, Effects of X-Irradiation on RbMgF3 Crystals, Bull. Isr. Phys. Soc., 25, 45 (1979).

  35. N. Kristianpoller and B. Trieman, Radiation Defects in Pure and Doped KMgF3 Crystals, Proc. Int. Conf. on Defects in Insulating Crystals, 530-531 (1981).

  36. B. Trieman and N. Kristianpoller, Radiation Effects in LiBaF3 and KZnF3 , Bull. Isr. Phys. 27, 79-80 (1981).

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