פרופ' ג'רלד טאובר - פרסומים ומאמרים
עודכן: 28.09.2017
List of Publications:
- G.E. Tauber,
A Geometrical Approach to Cosmology,
Astrophysics and Space Science 145, 157 (1988).
- G.E. Tauber,
Canonical Formalism and Equations of Motion for a Spinning Particle in General Relativity,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 27, 335 (1998)
- N. Rosen; G.E. Tauber,
Vector-Spinor space and Field Equations,
Foundations of Physics 17, 63 (1987)
- G.E. Tauber,
Gravitational Waves in an Expanding Universe,
Foundation of Physics 14, 1169 (1984)
- N. Rosen; G.E. Tauber,
A Geometric Foundation for a Unified Field Theory,
Foundation of Physics 14, 171 (1984)
- N. Rosen; G.E. Tauber,
A Geometrical Foundation of a Unified Field Theory,
Lecture notes in Physics 176, 301 (1983)
- Y. Feldman; G.E. Tauber,
The Internal State of a Gas of Particles with Spin,
General Relativity and Gravitation 12, 837 (1980)
- G.E. Tauber,
Classification of Bianchi Cosmologies in Conformal Flat Space-Times,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 18, 371 (1979)
- G.E. Tauber,
Expanding Universe with Bulk and Shear Viscosity in Conformally Flat Coordinates,
Astrophysics and Space Science 57, 163 (1978)
- G.E. Tauber,
Sugawara Model in General Relativity. A. Case for 3-current Vectors (su(2)),
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 11, 175-185 (1974)
- G. Shaviv; G.E. Tauber,
Implosions and Emplosions in Supermassive Objects,
Astrophysics and Space Science 14, 396 (1971)
- A. Kovetz; G.E. Tauber,
Radiation from and Accelerated Charge and Principle of Equivalence,
American Journal of Physics 37, 382 (1969)
- G.E. Tauber,
Massive Vector Meson Interacting with Gravitational Field .i. General Formalism,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 10, 633 (1969)
- G.E. Tauber,
Expanding Universe in Conformally Flat Coordinates,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 8, 118 (196)
- G.E. Tauber
Albert Einsteins's Theory of General Relativity
Crown Publishers, New York, 1979
- Errol Gotsman and G.E. Tauber
From SU (3) to Gravity: Festschrift in Honor of Yuval Ne'eman
Cambridge University Press, 1985
- G.E. Tauber
Man's View of the Universe: A Pictorial History
Crown Publishers, New York, 1979
- G.E. Tauber
Relativity: From Einstein to Black Holes (Venture Books)
Franklin Watts, Inc., 1988
- G.E. Tauber
Man and the Cosmos
Greenwich House, N.Y., 1979
Articel in CWRU - "Theory at Western Reserve"
אירועים וסמינרים
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