פרופ' עקיבא יניב - פרסומים ומאמרים

עודכן: 28.09.2017


  1. Yaniv and U. Ranon
    Charge Compensation by Interstitial F-Ions in Rare-Earth Doped SrF2 and BaF2
    Phys. Letters 9, 17-20, 1964
  2. A. Yaniv, and U. Shafrir
    Luster Rocket (1966) Cosmic Dust Collection Experiment,
    Space Research VII, p. 1403-1412, 1967
  3. A. Yaniv, and U. Shafrir
    Luster I, Luster II Rockets (1967), Micrometeoroid Collection Experiments,
    Space Research VIII, p. 579-588, 1968
  4. U. Shafrir, and A. Yaniv
    Results of Cosmic Dust Collection Experiments Flown on Gemini-9 and Gemini-12,
    Space Research VIII, p. 543-557, 1968
  5. E. Gradsztajn, M. Salome, A. Yaniv, and R. Bernas
    Isotopic Analysis of Lithium in the Holbrook Meteorite and in Terrestrial Samples with  Sputtering Ion Source Mass Spectrometer,
    Earth and Planetary Science L., Vol. 3(5), p. 387-394, 1968
  6. R. Bernas, E. Gradsztajn, and A. Yaniv
    Lithium Measurements in Meteorites and the Role of Neutrons in the Nucleosynthesis of the Light Elements in the Solar System
    Meteorite Research, Ed. P.M.Millman, D. Reidel Pub.Co., 1969-1977, 1969
  7. A. Yaniv, U. Shafrir,. and  E. Ben-David
    Results of Micrometeoroid Collection .Bxperiements Flown on Rockets and  Satellites,
    Space Research X, p. 266-272, 1970
  8. D. Heymann,  A. Yaniv, and J.A.S. Adams,
    Inert Gases in Lunar Samples,
    Science, 167, 555-559, 1970
  9. D. Heymann. and A. Yaniv
    Inert Gases in the Finds from the Sea of Tranquillity,
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta, Suppl. 1, 34, 1247-1260, 1970
  10. D. Heymann , and A. Yaniv,
    Ar40 Anomaly in Lunar Samples from Apollo 11
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica, Suppl.1, 34, 1261-1268, 1970
  11. A. Yaniv, and D. Heymann
    Inert Gases from Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 Finds: Reversals in the Trends of Relative Element Abundances,
    Earth and Planetary Science Lett.10, No.4,. 387-392, 1971
  12. D. Heynann and A. Zaniv
    Breccia 10065: Release of Inert Gases by Vacuum Crushing at room Temperatures,
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta, Suppl. 2, 1681-1692, 1971.
  13. A. Yaniv , G.J. Taylor , S. Allen and D. Heymann
    Stable Rare Gas Isotopes Produced by Solar Flares in Single Particles of Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 Fines,
    Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta, Suppl. 2, 1705-1717, 1971.
  14. D. Hevmann and  A. Yaniv
    Rn222  Distribution on the Surface of the Moon,  
    Nature P.S., 233, No.. 37, 37-40, 1971.
  15. D. Heymann and A. Yaniv
    Ar40 in Meteorites, Fines and Breccia from the Moon,
    Chemie der Erde, 30 , 175-191, 1971.
  16. D. Heymann , A. Yaniv  and S. Lakatos
    Inert Gases in Twelve Particles and One "Dust" Sample from Luna 16,
    Earth and Pl anet . Sci. Lett. 13, No. 3,  400- 407, 1972.
  17. A. Yaniv and D. Hevmann
    Rn220 and Rn222 Emanation from  Apollo 12 and 14 Samples,
    Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett.15, No. 2,  95-101, 1972.
  18. D.  Heymann ,  A. Yaniv  and S. Lakatos
    Inert Gases from Apollo 12, 14 and• 15 Fines, Geochimica et Cosmochimica
    acta, Suppl. 3,2, 1857-1864,1972 .
  19. A. Yaniv and D. Hevmann
    At mospheric Ar40 in Lunar Samples,
    Geochemica et Cosmochimi acta, Supp1. 3,2, 1967-1981, 1972.
  20. S. Lakatos, A. Yaniv and D. Heymann
    Inert Gases in the Green Spheru1es of Apollo 15,
    The Moon,7, Nos. 1/2, 132-149, 1973.
  21. J. Walton, A. Yaniv and D. Heymann
    He and Ne Cross Sections in Natural Mg, AI, and Si Targets and Radionuclide Cross Sections in Natural Si, Ca, Ti, and Fe Targets Bombarded with 14- to 45-Mev Protons,
    J. of Geophysical Res., 78, No. 28, 6428-6443, 1973.
  22. J.R. Walton, A. Yaniv and D. Heynann
    Correction for Excitation Functions for Rare Gases,
    J. of  Geophysical  Research , 79, No. 1, 314-316, 1974.
  23. J.R Walton, D. Heyrann , J.L. Jordan and A. Yaniv
    Evidence for Solar Cosmic Ray Proton-produced Neon in Fines 67701 from the Rim of North Ray Crater,
    Geochemica et Cosmochemica acta, Suppl. 2,2, 2045-2060, 1974b,
  24. J. Kronfeld , E. Gradsztejn , A. Yaniv and R. Zach
    Excess 234 U: An Aging Effect in Confined Water,
    Earth and Planetary  Sci. Lett., 342-346, 1975.
  25. D. Heymann, J.R. Walton, J.L. Jordan, S. Lakatos and A. Yaniv
    Light and Dark Soils at the Apollo 16 Landing Site,
    The Moon, 13, 81-110, 1975.
  26. J.R. Walton, D. Heynann , A. Yaniv , D. Edgerley and M.W. Rowe
    Cross Sections for He and Ne Isotopes in Natural Mg, Al and Si, He Isotopes in Natural Ca, and Radionuclides in Natural AI, Si, Ti, Cr and Stainless Steel induced by 12-45 MeV protons,
    J. Geophys. Res.; 81, 5689-5700, 1976.
  27. J.R. Walton , D. Heymann and A. Yaniv
    Production of He, Ne and Ar isotopes and U236 in  Lunar materials by Solar Cosmic Rays Protons Production Rate Calculations,
    J. Geophys. Res.,81, 5701-5711, 1976.
  28. J. Kronfeld, E. Gradsztajn, J. Radin, A. Yaniv and R. Zach
    Comments  on Alpha-Recoi1 Eject Th-234,
    Earth and Planetary Science Lett. 33, 180-182, 1976.
  29. A. Yaniv and J. Kronfeld
    Evolution of He4/He3 in Lunar Samples as Evidence for Decreasing Solar Activity,
    Space Research XVIII, 381-385, 1978.
  30. J. Kronfeld, E. Gradsztajn and A. Yaniv
    FIow  Patterns of the Waters of the Genomanian-Tironian Aquifer of the Beersheva Region Using Uranium Disequilibrium Techniques,
    Journal of  Hydrology, 44, 305-311, 1979.
  31. A. Yaniv and K. Marti
    Long-term Average of HE and Ne  Isotopic-Ratios in Solar-Flares
    Meteoritics  15 , 390-390 , 1980
  32. A. Yaniv
    Solar Flares Produced He3 in Lunar Samples,
    Nature  292, 866, 1981.
  33. A. Yaniy and K. Marti
    Two  Million Year Average of He and Ne Isotopic Ratios in Solar Flares Measured in Moon Rock 68815,
    Ap.J.L. 247, L-143-1-147, 1981.
  34. A. Yaniv, T. Kirsten
    Solar-Flare Isotopic Pattern - A new Component to consider the Isotopic  Composition of the Solar-System
    Eteoritics 16,  407-408,  1981
  35. J. Kronfeld, G. Weinberger, A. Yaniv, H. Zafrir, U. Vulcan, M. Agami; E. Rosenthal.
    Uranium Isotope Disequilibrium Studies and the Geohydrology of the Arava Rift-Valley,
    ​Israel  Nuclear Geophysics 6 , 535-545, 1992      


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