פרופ' אביבי יבין - פרסומים ומאמרים

עודכן: 31.10.2017


List of publications in physics:


  1. Precision energy measurements of the gamma rays following the decay of Bi 207 , with F.H. Schmidt. Phys. Ref. 100, 171 (1955).

  2. Angular distribution for elastic and inelastic scattering of 30 MeV alpha particles by carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and argon, with G.W. Farwell. Nucl. Phys. 12, 1 (1959). 

  3. On the advisability of injection from a cyclotron. MURA Report No. 496 (1959). 

  4. Multipurpose magnetic particle analyzer, with R.L. Burman. Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 7, 101 (1960). 

  5. Detection of alpha particles with commercially available transistors. Rev. Sci. Instr. 31, 351 (1960). 

  6. Variable energy spiral ridge cyclotron, with J.S. Allen, S. Chatterjee and L.E. Earnest. Rev. Sci. Instr. 31, 813 (1960). 

  7. AVF cyclotrons. Physics Today 15, #5, 19 (1962).

  8. On the duty cycle of cyclotrons. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 18,19, 610 (1962). 

  9. Alpha particles emission competing with thermal neutron capture gamma rays in rare earth isotopes, with E. Cheifetz, J. Gilat, and S.G. Cohen. Phys. Lett. 1, 289 (1962). 

  10. Negative pion photoproduction from bismuth accompanied by neutron emission, with G. de Pasquali. Phys. Rev. 132, 431 (1963). 

  11. Experiments with neutron gas targets. Proceedings of the 1963 Summer Study on Storage-Ring Accelerators and Experimentation on Super High Energy (June 10 – July 19, 1963). BNL 7534, pp. 406-413 (1963). 

  12. Polonium in cigarettes – spectroscopic analysis, with G. de Pasquali and P. Baron. Nature 205, 899 (1965). 

  13. (He 3 ,) pickup reaction in 58 Ni and 60 Ni, with M.K. Brussel and D.E. Rundquist. Phys. Rev. 140, No. 4B, 838 (1965). 

  14.  + photoproduction in He 3 and nuclear form factors, with L.J. Koester, Jr., J.R. O'Fallon, and J.H. Smith [JOURNAL DETAILS MISSING] 

  15. Experimental study of the reaction of He 3 (, + )H 3 up to 260 MeV, with J.R. O'Fallon, L.J. Koester, Jr., and J.H. Smith. Phys. Rev. 141, 889 (1966).

  16. Investigations of isobaric analog states by (p,n) reactions followed by proton emission, with R.A. Hoffswell, L.H. Jones, and T.M. Noweir. Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1049 (1966).

  17. (p,n) reaction on 91 Zr followed by proton emission, Isobaric Spin in Nuclear Physics, with R.A. Hoffswell and T.M. Noweir. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 584 (1966).

  18. A search for giant resonances built on analogue states, Isobaric Spin in Nuclear Physics, with J.S. Allen and M.K. Brussel. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 721 (1966).

  19. (He 3 ,t) investigations of iron, nickel and zirconium isotopes, Isobaric Spin in Nuclear Physics, with R.A. Hoffswell, L.H. Jones, and T.M. Noweir. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 842 (1966).

  20. Study of the Te 123 (n,)Sn 120 reaction with thermal neutrons, with E. Cheifetz and Y. Gozez. Nucl. Phys. 91A, 238 (1967). Experimental study of the )pd,He(3 reaction, with R.A. Hoffswell, D. Jamnik, and T.M. Noweir. Phys. Rev. Lett. 19, 754-756 (1976).

  21. The (He 3 ,d) reaction followed by proton emission, with R.A. Hoffswell, D. Jamnik, and T.M. Noweir. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Direct Reactions with He, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan, 1967, pp. 229-242 (1968).

  22. He 3 scattering from nickel and zirconium isotopes, with D.E. Rundquist and M.K. Brussel. Phys. Rev. 168, 1287 (1968).

  23. He 3 reaction from nickel and zirconium isotopes, with D.E. Rundquist and M.K. Brussel. Phys. Rev. 168, 1287 (1968).

  24. L'excitation du niveau O de 3.56 MeV de 6 Li par diffusion (p,p') de 14 a 16 MeV, with F. Merchez, R.A. Hoffswell, and R. Bouchez. Le Journal de Physique 29, 969 (1968).

  25. An experimental study of the Mo)pd,(Me9292reaction, with D. Ashery, S. Alper, J.P. Longequeue, K.A. Siou, and P. Giorni. Nucl. Phys. A179, 681 (1972).

  26. (He 3 ,d) stripping to unbound analog states in Tc isotopes, with D. Ashery, S. Alper, A. Moalem, Y. Shamai, G. Bruge, and A. Chaumeaux. Phys. Rev. C5, 1729 (1972).

  27. Detection of pion single charge exchange in zirconium, with J. Alster, D. Ashery, J. Duclos, and J. Miller. Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 313 (1972).

  28. An experimental study of 3 He elastic, inelastic and charge exchange scattering from Li, with R.W. Givens and M.K. Brussel. Nucl. Phys. A187, 490 (1972).

  29. An experimental study of the 6 Li(n,p) 6 He reaction, with F. Merchez and R. Bouchez. Nucl. Phys. A182, 428 (1972).

  30. Study of the ( 3 He,d) reaction on even molybdenum isotopes, with Y. Shamai, D. Ashery, G. Bruge and A. Chaumeaux. Nucl. Phys. A197, 211 (1972).

  31. ( 3 He,d) stripping to unbound analog states in Nb isotopes, with G. Finkel, D. Ashery, G. Burge, and A. Chaumeaux. Nucl. Phys. A217, 197 (1973).

  32. )N,( knockout reactions on 12 C from 30 to 90 MeV, with M.A. Moinester, M. Zeider, J. Alster, A. Ashery, and S. Cochavi. Phys. Rev. C6, 2039 (1973).

  33. Pion charge exchange reaction, with M. Zaider, J. Alster, D. Ashery, N. Auerbach, S. Cochavi, M.A. Moinester, and J. Warszawaki. Proceedings Fifth International Conference on High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure, Vol. II; 219 (1974).

  34. Interaction of positive and negative pions with 27 Al and 28 Si, with D. Ashery, M. Zaider, Y. Shamai, S. Cochavi, M.A. Moinester, and J. Alster. Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 943 (1974).

  35. )N,(0 knockout reaction on 14 N from 50 to 90 MeV, with M. Zaider, J. Alster, D. Ashery, S. Cochavi, and M.A. Moinester. Phys. Rev. C10, 938 (1974).

  36. Detection of He ions in the interaction of 70 MeV  with aluminum, with A. Doron, J. Julien, M.A. Moinester, and A. Plameri. Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 485 (1975).

  37. Measurements of the ),(0 reaction on light elements in the (3:3) resonance region, with Y. Shamai, J. Alster, D. Ashery, S. Cochavi, M.A. Moinester, E.D. Arthur, and D.M. Drake. Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 82 (1976).

  38. ( 3 He,d) stripping to unbound analog states in Cu isotopes, with A. Boudard, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, G. Finkel, and D. Ashery. Phys. Rev. 13C, 1123 (1976).

  39. De-excitation gamma rays from the interaction of 70 MeV pions with s-d shell nuclei, with D. Ashery, S. Cochavi, S. Gilad, M.A. Moinester, and Y. Shamai. Phys. Rev. C6, 2313 (1977).

  40. He ions from the interaction of 70 MeV pions with nuclei, with A. Doron, A. Altman, S. Barbarino, Y. Cassagnou, H.E. Jackson, A. Julien, R. Legrain, A. Palmeru, and Y. Shamai. Phys. Rev. C18, 461 (1978).

  41. Decay modes of analog states studied by the )p~ d,He( reaction, with G. Finkel, D. Ashery, A. Boudard, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, and M. Rouger. Phys. Rev. C19, 1782 (1979).

  42. Radiochemical study of the combined ),p(0 and (p,) reaction on bismuth with protons from 62 to 480 MeV, with T.E. Ward, P.P. Singh, K.L. Friesel, A. Doron, J.M. d'Auria, and G. Sheffer. Phys. Rev. C24, 588 (1981).

  43. Quelques considérations préliminaries sur les expériences antiproton – Noyau, Note CEA–N–2211 (1981).

  44. Observation of the quasi-free reaction )p,(C12 at 245 MeV, with E. Piasetzky, D. Ashery, A. Altman, F.W. Schleputz, R.J. Powers, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 1271 (1981).

  45. Nuclear reactions (except production) by p,d,α,…. Nucl. Phys. A374, 297 (1981).

  46. )p,( reaction at 245 MeV. With E. Piasetzky, D. Ashery, A. Altman, F.W. Schleputz, R.J. Powers, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym. Phys. Rev. C25, 2687 (1982).

  47. Observation of the )n,( and )p,( reactions at 165 MeV, with E. Piasetzky, D. Ashery, A. Altman, F.W. Schleputz, R.J. Powers, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym. Phys. Rev. Lett. B114, 414 (1982).

  48. Pion induced nucleon knockout reactions on 16 O and 18 O, with E. Piasetzky, A. Altman, J. Lichtenstadt, D. Ashery, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, F.W. Schleputz, R.J. Powers, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym. Phys. Rev. C26, 2702 (1982).

  49. Charged particle decay of the 28 Si giant electric dipole resonance, with R.L. Gulbranson, L.S. Cardman, A. Doron, A. Erell, and K.R. Lindgren. Phys. Rev. C27, 470 (1983).

  50. Observation of a quasideuteron component in the reaction )p2,(C12 , with A. Altman, E. Piasetzky, J. Lichtenstadt, D. Ashery, R.G. Powers, W. Bert, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym. Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1187 (1983).

  51. )p2,(C12 reaction, with A. Altman, E. Piasetzky, J. Lichtenstadt, D. Ashery, R.J. Powers, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym. Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1187 (1983).

  52. Inclusive measurement of quasifree (p,xn) charge exchange reactions on bismuth from 62 to 800 MeV, with J.M. D'Auria, M. Dombsky, G. Sheffer, T.E. Ward, H.J. Karwowsku, and J.L. Clarke. Phys. Rev. C30, 236 (1984).

  53. Scattering of antiprotons from carbon to 46.8 MeV, with D. Garreta, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocket, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, A. Erell, and J. Lichtenstadt.  Phys. Lett. 135B, 266 (1984).

  54. Isotope effects in the )N2,( reactions on 16 O and 18 O, with A. Altman, D. Ashery, E. Piasetzky, J. Lichtenstadt, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.J. Powers, R.G. Winter, and J. v.d. Pluym. Phys. Lett. 144B, 337 (1984).

  55. Elastic scattering of antiprotons from carbon, calcium and lead at 180 MeV, with D. Garreta, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt. Phys. Lett. 149B, 64 (1984); ibid 151, 473 (1985)E.

  56. A study of antiproton-nucleus interactions at LEAR, with D. Garreta, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, A. Erell, and J. Lichtenstadt. A contribution to the Int. School of Phys. of Exotic Atoms, Erice (March 31–April 6, 1984).

  57. A study of nucleusp interaction with a high resolution magnetic spectrometer, with D. Garreta, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, A. Erell, and J. Lichtenstadt. 7 th European Symposium on Antiproton Interactions, Durham, U.K. (July 9–13, 1984).

  58. Search for antiprotein-nucleus states with )p,p( reactions, with D. Garreta, P. Birien, C. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt. Phys. Lett. 150B, 95 (1985).

  59. Response function of 58 Ni, 116 Sn, and 208 Pb to the excitation of intermediate- energy particles, with B. Bonin, N. Alamonos, B. Berthier, G. Bruge, H. Faraggi, D. Legrand, J.C. Lugol, W. Mittiz, L. Papineau, D.K. Scott, M. Levine, J. Arvieux, L. Farvacque, and M. Buenerd, Nucl. Phys. A430, 349 (1985).

  60. Angular and energy dependence of the cross section and analyzing power of the reaction pp  d + between 725 and 1000 MeV, with B. Mayer, R. Bertind, J.M. Cameron, H. Catz, J.M. Durand, G.P. Gervino, C.M. Glashausser, J.C. Lugol, and C.A. Witten. Nucl. Phys. A437, 630 (1985).

  61. Inclusive measurement of )xn,p( double charge exchange reactions on bismuth from threshold to 800 MeV, with M. Domsky, J.M. D'Auria, I. Kelson, T.E. Ward, J.L. Clark, T. Ruth, and G. Sheffer. Phys. Rev. C32, 253 (1985).

  62. Black body description of antiproton-nucleus scattering, with J. Lichtenstadt, S. Janouin, P. Birien, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D. Drake, D. Garreta, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, and O. Bing. Phys. Rev. C32, 1096 (1985).

  63. Alpha-nucleus scattering at intermediate energies, with B. Bonin, N. Alamonos, B. Berthier, G. Bruge, H. Faraggi, J.C. Lugol, W. Mittig, L. Papineau, J. Arvieux, L. Farvacque, M. Buenerd, and W. Banhoff. Nucl. Phys. A445, 381 (1985).

  64. Elastic and inelastic scattering of antiprotons from nuclei, with D. Garreta, P. Birien, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J.C. Pain, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt. In Physics with Antiprotons at LEAR in the ACOL era, edited by V. Gastaldi, R. Klapish, J.M. Richard, and J. Tran Thanh Van, pp. 599-611 (1985).

  65. Search for the antiproton-nucleus states, with D. Garreta, P. Birien, G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J.C. Pain, M. Berrada, J.P. Brocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt, ibid, pp. 615-619.

  66. Investigation of the )n,p( charge-exchange reaction on nuclei, with J. Lichtenstadt, E. Piasetzky, C.G. Goodman, T. Teddecci, F. Ward, T. Bessani, E. Chiarassa, S. Costa, G. Dellacassa, M. Gallio, A. Musso, M. Morandin, C. Voci, M.P. Macciotta, G.A. Puddu, S. Serci, F. Tazzi, and B. Minetti, ibid pp. 635-638.

  67. Optical-model analysis of antiproton-nucleus elastic scattering at 50 and 180 MeV, with S. Janouin, M.C. Lemaire, D. Garreta, P. Birien, G. Bruge, D.M. Drake, D. Legrand, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt. Nucl. Phys. A451, 541 (1986).

  68. Comparative study of the elastic scattering of 178.4 MeV antiprotons by the 160 and 180 isotopes, with G. Bruge, A. Chaumeaux, P. Birien, D.M. Drake, D. Garreta, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, M. Berrada, J.P. Bocquet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E. Aslanides, O. Bing, J. Lichtenstadt, and J.C. Peng. Phys. Lett. 169B, 14 (1986).

  69. Inelastic scattering of antiprotons from 12 C and 16 O at 50 and 180 MeV, with M.C. Lemaire, P. Birien, G. Bruge, D.M. Drake, D. Garreta, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, B. Mayer, J. Pain, J.C. Peng, M. Berrada, J.P. Bouquest, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, E.L. Aslanides, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt. Nucl. Phys. A456, 557 (1986).

  70. )N2( reactions at 165 and 245 MeV, with A. Altman, D. Ashery, E. Piasetzky, J. Lichtenstadt, W. Bertl, L. Felawka, H.K. Walter, R.J. Powers, R.G. Winer, and J. v.d. Pluym, Phys. Rev. C34, 1757 (1986).

  71. Search for pnucleus states using the )p,p( knock-out reaction at 600 MeV/c, with D. Garreta, P. Birien, C. Bruge, H. Catz, A. Chaumeaux, D.M. Drake, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, F. Perrot, M. Berrada, J.P. Bochet, E. Monnand, J. Mougey, P. Perrin, O. Bing, and J. Lichtenstadt. Nucl. Phys. A470, 445 (1987).

  72. Why study )n,p( on nuclei? Can. J. Phys. 65, 647 (1987).

  73. The (n,p) reaction as a probe of Gamow-Teller strength, with K.P. Jackson, A. Celler, W.P. Alford, K. Raywood, R. Abegg, R.E. Azuma, C.K. Campbell, S. El-Kateb, D. Frekers, P.W. Green, O. Häusser, R.L. Helmer, R.S. Henderson, K.H. Hicks, R. Jeppesen, P. Lewis, C.A. Miller, A. Moalem, M.A. Moinester, R.B. Schubank, G.G. Shute, B.M. Spicer, and S. Yen. Phys. Lett. B201, 25 (1988).

  74. Elastic scattering of 179.3 MeV antiprotons by deuterium, with G. Bruge, D. Garreta, H. Catz, A. Chaumeaux, S. Janouin, D. Legrand, M.C. Lemaire, B. Mayer, J. Pain, F. Perrot, O. Bing, D.M. Drake, and J. Lichtenstadt. Phys. Rev. C37, 37 (1999).

  75. Gamow-Teller strength and giant resonances in 90 Ze(n,p) at 198 MeV, with S. Yen, B.M. Spicer, M.A. Moinester, K. Raywood, R. Abegg, W.P. Alford, A. Celler, T.E. Drake, D. Frekers, O. Häusser, R.L. Helmer, R.S. Henderson, K.H. Hicks, K.P. Jackson, R. Jeppesen, J.D. King, N.S.P. King, K. Lin, S. Long, C.A. Miller, V.C. Officer, R. Schubank, G.G. Shute, and M.C. Vetterli. Phys. Lett. B206, 597 (1988).

  76. A study of spin isovector giant resonances with the 208 Pb(n,p)T208 reaction, with M.A. Moinester, A. Trudel, K. Raywood, S. Yen, B.M. Spicer, R. Abegg, W.P. Alford, N. Auerbach, A. Celler, D. Frekers, O. Häusser, R.L. Helmer, R. Henderson, K.H. Hicks, K.P. Jackson, R.G. Jeppesen, N.S.P. King, S. Long, C.A. Miller, M. Vetterli, and J. Watson. Phys. Lett. B230 (41-45 (1989).

  77. Spin-flip isovector giant resonances from the 90 Zn(n,p) 90 Y reaction at 198 MeV, with K.J. Raywood, B.M. Spicer, S. Yen, S.A. Long, M.A. Moinester, R. Abegg, W.P. Alford, A. Celler, T.E. Drake, D. Frekers, P.E. Green, O. Häusser, R.L. Helmer, R.S. Henderson, K.H. Hicks, K.P. Jackson, R.G. Jeppesen, J.D. King, N.S.P. King, C.A. Miller, V.C. Officer, R. Schubank, G.G. Shute, M. Vetterli, and J. Watson. Phys. Rev. C41, 2836-2851 (1990).

  78. K + total cross sections as a test for nucleon "swelling", with Y. Mardor, E. Piasetzky, J. Alster, D. Ashery, M.A. Moinester, S. Bart, R.E. Chrien, P.H. Pile, R.J. Sutter, R.A. Krauss, J.C. Hiebert, R.L. Stearns, T. Koshimoto, R.R. Johnson, and R. Olshevsky. Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 2110-2113 (1990).

  79. Antiproton–nucleus experiments at LEAR and KAON, Conference Proceedings on Intense Hadron Facilities and Antiproton Physics, Bologna, pp. 223-230 (1990).

  80. K + total cross sections on 12 C and medium effects in nuclei, with R.A. Krauss, J. Alster, S. Bart, R.E. Chrien, J.C. Hiebert, R.R. Johnson, T. Kishimoto, I. Mardor, Y. Mardor, M.A. Moinester, R. Olshevsky, E. Piasetzky, P.H. Pile, R. Sawafta, R.L. Stearns, R.J. Sutter, and R. Weiss. Phys. Rev. C46, 655-666 (1992).

  81. The influence of the nuclear medium on K + total cross sections, with R. Sawafta, R. Weiss, J. Aclander, J. Alster, J. Barakat, S. Bart, R.E. Chrien, R.A. Krauss, K. Johnston, I. Mardor, Y. Mardor, S. May Tal-Beck, E. Piasetzky, P.H. Pile, H. Seyfarth, R.L. Stearns, and R.J. Sutter. Phys. Lett. B307, 293-297 (1993).

  82. Experimental search for a new light baryon, with S. Ram, R. Abegg, D. Ashery, D. Frekers, R. Helmer, R.S. Henderson, K.P. Jackson, C.A. Miller, S. Nussinov, E. Piasetzky, A. Rahav, and S. Yen. Phys. Rev. D49, 3120-3125 (1994).

  83. Measurement of low energy K + total cross sections on N=Z nuclei, with R. Weiss, J. Aclander, J. Alster, M. Barakat, S. Bart, R.E. Chrien, R.A. Krauss, K. Johnson, I. Mador, Y. Mador, S. May Tal-Beck, H. Pile, R. Sawafta, H. Seyfarth, R.L. Stearns, and R.J. Sutter. Phys. Rev. C49, 2569-2577 (1994).


List of published books:







    All five books were published by MWbooks, Garden Bay, BC, Canada and can be purchased from the publisher or from distributors such as Amazon.


    ​I initiated organized and was chief editor of these proceedings of a workshop at TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


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