ד"ר דומיניק מקסימיליאן ג'וראשק

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר דומיניק מקסימיליאן ג'וראשק
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408682
משרד: שנקר פיזיקה, 409


Dr. Dominik Maximilian Juraschek joined the faculty of the School of Physics and Astronomy as a Senior Lecturer in fall 2021. He studies hidden states of matter that can be induced in quantum materials through light-induced dynamical and in particular vibrational (phononic) processes. Dr. Juraschek uses a combination of computational and theoretical methods to describe nonlinear dynamics of the crystal lattice in a broad range of solid-state systems, including complex oxides, van der Waals materials, and low-dimensional dielectrics and magnets.

Research achievements include: Prediction of various nonlinear phononic excitation mechanisms that have subsequently been verified experimentally; prediction of the existence of phonon magnetic moments as a result of dynamical multiferroicity; creation of a theoretical framework for coherent coupling of phonons and magnetism (“phono-magnetism”).

Future directions include: Expanding the theory of nonlinear phononics as a basis for dynamical materials engineering; developing a nonlinear phononics code and platform; controlling electronic angular momentum through coupling of lattice, spin, and orbital degrees of freedom; investigating novel hybrid light-matter states (polaritons) and tuning them in optical cavities.


  • B.Sc. in Physics, University of Augsburg, 2012

  • M.Sc. in Physics, University of Augsburg, 2015

  • Ph.D., Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, 2018

Academic Appointments

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2019-2021

  • Senior Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, 2021-Today

Awards and Prizes

  • ETH Medal for Outstanding Doctoral Theses, 2019

  • Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 2019-2021

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