קולוקוויום בפיזיקה: 1913: A wonder year?
Prof. Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski, University of Warsaw
05 בינואר 2014, 16:00
אולם הרצאות, בית התפוצות
It is difficult to discuss events from the distant past for we automatically tend to assess them from the present perspective and by making use of the present knowledge. That is why the year 1913 is often called „a wonder year”, because of the many important discoveries which took place then. And yet the scientists active in 1913 saw things differently.
During the lecture I shall try to take the audience for a „time travel” through the past hundred years. I hope that this experience may carry an important message for the present generation of scientists.
מארגן הקולוקוויום: פרופ' אלכסנדר גרבר