פרופ' יבגני שוסטין

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למתמטיקה עיונית
חוג למתמטיקה עיונית סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' יבגני שוסטין
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408037
פקס: 03-6407543
משרד: שרייבר, 112

קורות חיים

Work Address: School of Mathematical Sciences,
              Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv 69978, Tel Aviv

Date and place of birth: 15.08.1957 Kaliningrad, USSR

Marital status: Married + 1



1974-1979 M.Sc., Mathematics,
Gorky State University, USSR.
                 Date of award: 1979.
Title of Master's Thesis: Ruzsa conjecture and measurable multiplicative
group-valued functions.

1981-1984 Ph.D. Mathematics.
Gorky State University, USSR.
Date of award: 1984 (Leningrad State University).
Title of Doctoral Dissertation: The Hilbert-Rohn method and smoothings of
real algebraic curve singular points.
Name of Supervisor: Professor D.A. Gudkov (Gorky)


Since 1996 Full Professor in the School of Math. Sci., Tel Aviv

1992-1996  Associate Professor in the School of Math. Sci., Tel Aviv

1987-1992  Lecturer in mathematics, Kuibyshev State University

1979-1981, 1984-1987 Assistant in Mathematics Department, Gorky Civil
Engineering Institute


1996-98   Grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Israel
          entitled "Global singularity theory and algebraic geometry"

1997-99   Grant from the German-Israeli Foundation entitled
          "Families of singular algebraic curves on algebraic surfaces"

2000      Grant from the French-Israeli cooperation
          program "Arc-En-Ciel" entitled
          "Real algebraic varieties with singularities"

2001-03   Grant from the German-Israeli Foundation entitled
          "Local and global aspects of singular algebraic varieties"

2002      The Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the
          Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation

2004-07   Grant from the Israel Science Foundation entitled
          "Tropical algebraic geometry"

2005-07   Grant from the High Council for Scientific and
          Technological Cooperation between France and Israel
          entitles "Enumerative invariants and tropical geometry"

2009-12   Grant from the Israel Science Foundation entitled
          "Tropical mathematics and its applications"

2013-15   Grant from the German-Israeli Foundation entitled
          "Degenerations, Realizations, and Correspondence Theorems
          in Tropical Algebraic Geometry"

2015-18   Grant from the Israel Science Foundation entitled
          "Real enumerative geometry"


Israel Mathematical Union -- member since 1992

European Mathematical Society -- member since 2001

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