קולוקוויום מיוחד בפיזיקה: Themes in Cmplex Fluids: From Thin Films to Electrokinetically Controlled Transport
Prof. Howard Stone, Princeton University, IAS Sackler Lecturer
המכון ללימודים מתקדמים ע”ש מורטימר וריימונד סאקלר והמרכז לפיזיקה וכימיה של מערכות חיות
הרצאה במסגרת קולוקוויום מיוחד, משותף לביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה ולביה"ס להנדסה מכנית
Fluid dynamical phenomena occur from large scales important to Earth-relevant processes, e.g., climate and geophysical phenomena, to small scales, hundreds of microns and smaller, such as those that influence and transport cells, colloids, and polymers. In this talk, I will first give a glimpse at some (randomly selected), perhaps unexpected, fluid dynamical phenomena that my group has worked on. Then, I will focus on problems in colloid transport where electrokinetic effects dominate. In particular, diffusiophoretic transport refers to the relative motion of fluid and suspended particles due to a gradient of a chemical, where the transport rate is controlled by the diffusivity of the small ions. I will survey a few of our results in this area, including transport in porous media, the influence of multivalent ions, the role of a background electrolyte or pH, and effects that influence the dispersion of a cloud of colloids.
מארגן האירוע: פרופ' רנן ברקנא (http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/~barkana/colloq.html)