הרצאה לזכרו של פרופסור יהודה אייזנברג ז"ל: The Physics of Lavours: an Inexhaustible Source of Disconveries - Recent results from the LHCb experiment at CERN

פרופסור ג'ובאני פאסלבה, מנהל מחקר, המכון הלאומי לפיזיקה גרעינית, פירנצה, איטליה

06 ביוני 2021, 14:00 
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86403003697?pwd=TGcweVZzTEJmQUx6MWxoaE5vdDM4Zz09 
קולוקוויום בפיזיקה

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86403003697?pwd=TGcweVZzTEJmQUx6MWxoaE5vdDM4Zz09


Emilio Segre Distinguished Lectures in Physics of the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation



The physics of flavours studies the properties of the different quark and lepton species. It is a very exciting sector of the Standard Model whose study, for several decades, has been providing a wealth of discoveries. The advent of LHCb experiment at CERN opened new avenues to this field of particle physics, providing new exciting and intriguing observations as well as extremely precise tests of the Standard Model. In the colloquium some aspects of flavour physics will be illustrated in the light of recent results from LHCb, covering in particular precision tests of the Standard Model and unexpected discoveries of exotic hadrons like tetra- and penta-quarks.



מארגן האירוע: ד"ר מיכאל גלר


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