קולוקוויום בפיזיקה ע"ש ג'ון בקל: Cosmology into the next decade

Prof. Matias Zaldarriaga, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA

07 במאי 2023, 14:00 
בניין שנקר, אולם מלמד 006 
קולוקוויום בפיזיקה

Zoom: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/84841316749?pwd=NU9QcktvUmpURVFNZjArcW9UcE1TZz09



In this talk, I will be reviewing the observations that have contributed to the development of the Standard Cosmological Model. I will argue that as we seek to address many of the remaining questions, the field of observational Cosmology is transitioning to a more complex phase, where we are attempting to gather information from the late Universe on smaller scales. Specifically, I will be focusing on the challenging task of modeling galaxy clustering, and presenting some of the recent results in this area. Finally, I will be discussing the prospects for future theoretical developments.


Invitation >



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