סמינר באסטרונומיה ובאסטרופיזיקה

Tamir Cohen & Aviya Tsoref, TAU

31 ביולי 2024, 14:00 
בניין שנקר פיזיקה, אולם הולצבלט 007 
סמינר באסטרונומיה ובאסטרופיזיקה

Zoom: https://tau-ac-il.zoom.us/j/87230679135?pwd=Y1duRlArUkJwSnhaaXVscUU0azY3Zz09


Speaker: Tamir Cohen

Luminous High Redshift AGNs and Their Host Galaxies



The evolution of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) is thought to be closely related to the star formation (SF) in their host galaxies, with both forms of mass growth peaking at z~1-3. I will present an ALMA-based study of 30 luminous quasars located at z~2-3.5, with the goal to assess the SF activity in the hosts of the most luminous quasars known, tracing the epoch of peak SMBH growth. About 67% of the targeted quasars were detected in our short, 224 GHz continuum observations (rest-frame wavelengths of ~300-450 um). We found a wide range of star formation rates, SFR~50-3500 Msol/yr,  with 27% of our sources exceeding the 1000 Msol/yr mark and thus considered as starbursts. This wide range in SFR among hosts of luminous quasars, powered by high-mass SMBHs, indicates that so-called ``AGN feedback'' does not suppress SF activity in such systems. I will further argue that the observed period of enhanced SMBH and host growth cannot persist for more than a few 100 Myrs. Finally, we found no obvious link between high AGN activity and major galaxy mergers, with a companion detection rate of only <7%.These findings emphasize the diversity of quasar host galaxies and the seemingly uncorrelated growth paths they may undergo.



Speaker: Aviya Tsoref

AT 2021aekl: a Peculiar Changing-Look Active Galactic Nucleus



Changing-Look Active Galactic Nuclei (CL-AGN) exhibit extreme flux and spectral variations on timescales of a few years or less, and thus challenge our basic understanding of AGN structure and accretion physics. In this talk, I will examine the case of AT 2021aekl, a peculiar CL-AGN that experienced an optical flare, as well as a spectral transformation from a narrow-line to a broad-line AGN. I will present a year-and-a-half-long spectroscopic monitoring campaign of this source post-flare, aiming to temporally resolve the rapid CL transition. Surprisingly, although the relatively short flare lasted less than 3 months, the newly discovered broad lines persisted for the entirety of our campaign, without significant dimming. I will discuss several scenarios that address flares and spectral transitions in AGN, including tidal disruption of stars and the close links between line-emitting regions and the accretion disk. AT 2021aekl exemplifies the variety of extreme AGN variability events and the need for responsive multi-wavelength observations.




מארגן הסמינר: ד"ר יהונתן שטרן


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