The Sackler Physics Symposium 2020, Emergent Phenomena and Functionality in Metamaterials and Heterostructures

23 בנובמבר 2021, 13:00 
The Sackler Physics Symposium 2020

Recording >


Prize Recipients:

Dr.Yuan Cao, Society of Fellows, Harvard University, USA


Prof. Ronny Thomale, Institute for theoretical physics and astronomy, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg , Germany


Prof. Yiwen Chu, Department of Physics, ETH- Zurich, Switzerland 




13.00 – Opening – Prof. Dan Peer - Vice President for Research and Development


13.10 – Shaken, not strained: How to control electronic phases with lattice vibrations, Dr. Dominik Juraschek , School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv university


13:35 – ״Interfacial ferroelectricity by vdW sliding, Maayan Vizner Stern, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv university


13:55 – Instanton-induced inelastic scattering of single-photon in a superconducting circuit, Amir Burshtein School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv university


14:15 – Ferroelectric Exchange Bias Affects Interfacial Electronic States, Gal Tuvia School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv university


14:35 – Ceremony


15.50 – Break


15.00 – Magic-angle graphene: Superconductivity from Carbon, Dr. Yuan Cao, Society of Fellows, Harvard University, USA


15.30 – Creating and measuring quantum states of sound, Prof. Yiwen Chu - Department of Physics, ETH- Zurich, Switzerland


16.00 – The Electrification of Topological Matter, Prof. Ronny Thomale  Institute for theoretical physics and astronomy, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg , Germany




Prof. Yoram Dagan & Prof. Roni Ilan Tel Aviv University





Poster of the event >


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